Games and Gaming

File Download Description
AlBhed Translation v. 0.01 27-Feb-2003 (13k) 26/32bit neutral
  Al Bhed is the official language of the Al Bhed people in the SquareSoft game Final Fantasy X. These programs will translate any text file between English and AlBhed and back again.

alb2eng translates English into Al Bhed
eng2alb translates Al Bhed into English

A Windows/DOS version is also available.

Invaders(M) v. 0.00 14-Jan-2002 (2k) *** ESSENTIAL ***

Invaders is a command-line launcher for the mini-game hidden in RISC OS 4 and InvadersM is a small module which launches the game anytime you fancy just by pressing CTRL+ALT+I(!) and provides the command too.

NB: Invaders(M) requires RISC OS 4 or above.