
FilesFirst v. 0.02 06-Jan-2000 (4k) 26/32bit neutral
 Program : FilesFirst
 Purpose : Produce lists of files and sizes
 Author  : (C) Jon Ripley, 2000
 Version : 0.02 (6th January 2000)

	FilesFirst is a command line utility which will scan through a
directory, and any sub-directories, and build a list of files followed by the
file size and directory containing the file.  FilesFirst is useful when
examining a collection of files of the same type, such as a collection of
archived applications, music or clip art files; the output of the program can
be loaded into a text editor, such as !StrongEd, and sorted, this gives a list
of file names and associated information which is very useful when looking for
duplicated files.

	To install FilesFirst, simply move the file "FilesFirst" into your
library directory.

	To scan a directory, use the command:

	FilesFirst <input> <output> [options]

	where <input> is the name of the directory to be scanned, once
completed the results are saved to <output>.

	Options are used to modify the standard behaviour of FilesFirst, and are
introduced by a hyphen, the option name, and any allowed parameters.  Each
option can be abbreviated to just it's first letter; all options are case-

	Option			Effect

	[-directory] <dir.>	Specify the directory to be processed.

	[-output] <file>	Save the results to this text file.

	-temp <file>		Specify file to use for temporary workspace, by
				default <Wimp$ScrapDir>.CountOutP is used.  The
				scrap file is deleted when the program has

	-recurse		Recurse into sub-directories and include their
				contents, by default this is turned off.

	-verbose		Display the progress of the program.

	-nohour			Do not display the hourglass.

	-quit <* command>	Executes the command when the program has

	-help			Produce a brief help text for the FilesFirst
				syntax and options.


	FilesFirst Music MusicFiles

	will scan the Music directory ignoring any sub-directories and save the
results to the file MusicFiles.

	FilesFirst raFS::ClipArt.$ Pictures -temp Scrap.Working -recurse
-verbose -nohour

	will scan the disk raFS::ClipArt.$ recursing in to sub-directories
saving the results to the Pictures file in the current directory using the
Scrap.Working for temporary workspace.  The hourglass will not be shown but the
progress of the operation will be described.