Macros for BBC BASIC for Windows

Macros add additional functions to the BBC BASIC for Windows editor.

All my macros share the same installation procedure:

  1. Save the macro somewhere convenient
  2. Run the macro and choose a function key binding
  3. The macro is now installed and ready to use
Macro (Download) Description
Export HTML Export the current program as syntax coloured HTML.
Export Text Export the current program as formatted text.
Force Retokenise Retokenise the current program.
Launch DLGEDIT Launch the BBC BASIC for Windows dialogue box editor.
Launch ICONEDIT Launch the BBC BASIC for Windows icon editor.
Paste Lowercase Allows users of upper case keywords to paste lower case code into the editor window without changing any options.
Force Reload Reopen the current program into a new instance of the editor.
Rewrap Paste NOT FINISHED: Attempts to correct program code broken by email and usenet clients.
Run Compiled Runs the compiled version of the current program