!Boot and System Software

File Download Description
3D Switcher v. 0.02 06-Jun-2000 (9k) 26/32bit neutral
  3D Switcher replaces the Task Manager sprite with a 3D acorn, IMHO much nicer than the default (RISC OS 2/3) sprite. Comes with hi & low resolution sprites in 16 or 256 colours.
BasicLoader v. 1.01 06-Feb-2000 (2k) 26/32bit neutral
  Use the BasicLoader module to modify, when desired, the default action taken when running a BASIC program. Useful when debugging and developing WIMP applications written in BASIC.
BST v 0.05a 09-Mar-2005 (2k) 26/32bit neutral
  Ensures that the GMT/BST flag on your computer is set correctly and as a bonus makes sure that your computer thinks that it's at least the year 2004.
Dunnit v. 0.02 07-Mar-2001 (16k)
  Dunnit is a small module which will alert you, by playing a sound, after your computer has been in single-tasking mode for more then 20 seconds; either if a single tasking program has been used or an application has tied up the desktop.
FakeScrap 0.01 22-Dec-1997 (2k) 26/32bit neutral

FakeScrap is a small utility which creates a pretend, but very real, equivalent of a !Scrap directory in memory. Memory is allocated only when required and then freed afterwards. FakeScrap uses PipeFS which is built into RISC OS 3 and above.

FakeScrap is designed to be used on low memory floppy based machines where; it is not always possible, or convenient to have a copy of !Scrap on every disc or to swap discs at regular intervals when applications need to use the !Scrap directory. Indeed it is not always possible to spare the disc space that a !Scrap directory would require.

Invaders(M) v. 0.00 14-Jan-2002 (2k) *** ESSENTIAL ***

Invaders is a command-line launcher for the mini-game hidden in RISC OS 4 and InvadersM is a small module which launches the game anytime you fancy just by pressing CTRL+ALT+I(!) and provides the command too.

NB: Invaders(M) requires RISC OS 4 or above.

LMTree v. 0.01 25-Feb-2003 (11k) 26/32bit neutral *** ESSENTIAL ***
  If you've used !Director, you have probably noticed the tree menus you can access by clicking Adjust on a filing system iconbar icon. These provide a very useful way of accessing your files and applications.

If you have used !LanMan98 or !LanManFS whilst !Director is loaded, you've probably noticed that clicking Adjust on the 'drive' icon of one of your open shares gives you a tree menu of the available shares, and like me you may have thought that it would be much more useful if a tree menu of the share itself popped up instead.

LMTree is a freeware utility which modifies the default functionality of LanMan and allows you to benefit from Director's tree-view menus on LanMan shares.

ShutDReset v. 0.01 26-May-2001 (2k)
  Automatic reset on machine shutdown.
ShutraFS v. 0.00 01-Feb-2002 (2k)
  The ShutraFS module automatically dismounts all raFS discs on shutdown. raFS does not do this itself and requires you to manually dismount discs. raFS discs are dismounted after the shutdown sequence is completed, after any applications which are using raFS should have been closed. A *Shutdown command is then issued to ensure hard discs have been dismounted.
ShutScrap v. 0.00 09-Jan-2002 (2k)

The ShutScrap module automagically deletes the contents of the scrap directory (WIMP$ScrapDir) when the machine is shut down. ShutScrap comes in two flavours which work slightly differently.

ShutScrap: Clears the Scrap directory automagically.
ShutScrapA: Asks for confirmation first.