Brainfuck CGI Scripts

There are four main options that you have to use Brainfuck programs in your CGI bin.

Make your program executable and use it directly

Please refer to my article on how this is done.

There is a working example here with full source code available.

Compile your program into machine language

This is quite easy, you can use a translator to convert your program into a compilable language, such as C, and use the compiled program in your CGI bin, or you could use a Brainfuck to machine language converter to create an executable program directly.

See the Brainfuck tools page for a program that will convert Brainfuck code into a C program which can be compiled and then used. There is a working example here with both the original Brainfuck and C source code available.

Convert your program into another scripting language

You can use one of many available tools which translate Brainfuck into one one of many ommon scripting languages available, these include Perl, PHP, Java, JavaScript and ASP; and then use the converted program directly. One such program, bf2perl, available on the Brainfuck tools page which will convert Brainfuck code into a Perl script. There is a working example with both the original Brainfuck and Perl source code available.

Embed your program into another scripting language

This is again quite easy, there are many Brainfuck interpreters written in common scripting languages available, these include Perl, PHP, Java, JavaScript and ASP. To use these you would embed your program within the interpreter depending on the usage instructions of the interpreter.

Use mod_bf if you have an Apache webserver

Examples using mod_bf may be added at a later date.