REM InstallMk2_Ex Version 1.00 15-May-2005
      REM (C) Jon Ripley, 2005
      REM This code may be used and modified freely
      REM Test if BBC BASIC for Windows is installed
      IF FN_BB4WIsInstalled THEN
        PRINT "BBC BASIC for Windows is installed on this machine."
        PRINT "BBC BASIC for Windows is not installed on this machine."
      REM Attempt to install WINLIB
      IF FN_Install("WINLIB.BBC") THEN
        PRINT "Library installed okay."
        PRINT "Library not found."
      REM InstallMk2 Version 1.00 15-May-2005
      REM (C) Jon Ripley, 2005
      REM This code may be used and modified freely
      REM PROC_Install(lib$)
      REM Purpose:
      REM     Load a library if it is present on the local machine
      REM     No error given if operation fails
      DEF PROC_Install(lib$):LOCAL f%:f%=FALSE
      REM FN_Install(lib$)
      REM Purpose: Load a library if it is present on the local machine
      REM Returns:
      REM     TRUE  - Library exists and has been INSTALLed
      REM     FALSE - Library cannot be found
      DEF FN_Install(lib$):LOCAL f%:f%=TRUE
      LOCAL libf%,tmp$
      IF NOT ok% tmp$=FN_ReadBB4WInstallPath+"LIB\"+lib$:ok%=FN_FileExists(tmp$)
      IF NOT ok% tmp$="LIB\"+lib$:ok%=FN_FileExists(tmp$)
      IF NOT ok% tmp$="..\LIB\"+lib$:ok%=FN_FileExists(tmp$)
      IF ok% THEN INSTALL tmp$
      IF f% THEN =ok% ELSE ENDPROC
      REM FN_FileExists(file$)
      REM Purpose: Test the existence of a file
      REM Returns:
      REM     TRUE  - if the the file pointed to by f$ exists
      REM     FALSE - if the file does not exist
      DEF FN_FileExists(file$)
      LOCAL h%,ok%
      h%=OPENINfile$:ok%=h%:IF ok% CLOSE#h%
      REM FN_BB4WIsInstalled
      REM Purpose: Determine if BBC BASIC for Windows is installed
      REM Returns:
      REM     TRUE  - BBC BASIC for Windows is installed
      REM     FALSE - BBC BASIC for Windows is not installed
      DEF FN_BB4WIsInstalled
      LOCAL ok%,tmp$
      IF tmp$<>"" THEN ok%=FN_FileExists(tmp$+"bbcwin.exe")
      REM FN_ReadBB4WInstallPath
      REM Purpose: Read the BBC BASIC for Windows installation path
      REM Returns:
      REM     The path to the BBC BASIC for Windows installation directory or,
      REM     a NULL string if BBC BASIC for Windows is not installed
      DEF FN_ReadBB4WInstallPath
      LOCAL hkey%,res%,lbuf%,type%
      lbuf%=255:DIM buf% LOCAL lbuf%:?buf%=13
      SYS "RegOpenKeyEx", &80000002, "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help", 0, &20001, ^hkey% TO res%
      IF res%=0 THEN
        SYS "RegQueryValueEx", hkey%, "bbcwin.hlp", 0, ^type%, buf%, ^lbuf% TO res%
        IF res%=0 THEN buf%?(lbuf%-1) = 13
        SYS "RegCloseKey", hkey%