BBC Power Up Sounds

This page has been produced in response to a recent query on the BBC Micro mailing list (archive) about the availability of BBC power up sounds in various audio formats.

Below you can download various ZIP archives containing samples of the power up sounds for the Acorn Electron, BBC A/B, BBC B+, Master 128 and Master Compact machines. The Acorn Atom had no power up sound. The normalised samples have been processed to ensure a consistent volume between samples.

File Download Description
Original 8BS (.wav) The original power up samples as available from the 8-Bit Software website. (58k)
Original 8BS (.mp3) The original power up samples converted to mp3 format. (16k)
Clean (.wav) Digitally remastered versions of the 8BS power up samples. (43k)
Clean (.mp3) Digitally remastered versions of the 8BS power up samples in mp3 format. (12k)
Normalised (.wav) Digitally remastered and normalised versions of the 8BS power up samples. (41k)
Normalised (.mp3) Digitally remastered and normalised versions of the 8BS power up samples in mp3 format. (13k)

Thanks are due to Chris Richardson of 8-Bit Software for providing the original samples which made this section possible.